Where are you?

OK… so I haven’t kept up with things the way I’ve intended to but that’s due to the fact that lately I’m working six days a week and I’m just too tired to blog.  I have a lot of plans for this site, I just haven’t gotten around to doing them yet.  I haven’t read up on any new technology, I don’t have any ideas for new business techniques and I haven’t got the time to really sit down and write either.  I randomly jot a few ideas down but unfortunately that paperwork gets lost with the stacks of everything…more»

Filed in Daily | Comments Closed

Long time, no post.

I haven’t updated here in quite some time and it’s completely due to the fact that my life offline is dramatically different than it was in the past.  I now have the time to finally sit down and blog since I’ve gotten used to my new schedule.  I’m working full time hours during the week and on the weekends I always seemed to be busy doing other things so sitting down to update a blog was never really worth it to me.  I do have some more time now though.  It’s my goal to begin making some drastic changes here…more»

Filed in Random Chatter | Comments Closed