You don’t own me…

Today I came across something pretty interesting. The topic of stem-cell research is a hot-blooded issue with many people, none of which who seem to care about the female’s perspective of things. Men are too thrown into the world where they think they own everything, when it comes to the female body – however – the issue is much larger and females don’t seem to be at liberty to discuss it openly. This goes back to the Neanderthal times when women were supposed to obey and the men ruled the world. Well, to be honest, screw you if you think…more»

Filed in Loud Launch, Random Chatter | Comments Closed

Staying Fit

As you may or may not know, I’ve been on a pretty strict diet for the last 10 months and I’ve been doing pretty well with it. Not only have I lost 55 pounds, I know that I’ll reach my 75lb goal sometime within the next couple of months. Just in time for summer! There were a lot of resources around the Internet that helped me to get through the past year and I have to say that I wouldn’t have gotten through this without it. While it’s not exactly a ‘weight loss’ resource, I found a site online that’s…more»

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Non-Surgical Procedures

I’m going to honestly admit that the thought of any Medical or Surgical procedure that requires anything sharp coming in my direction scares the bejesus out of me. So naturally when someone saves up tens of thousands of dollars for cosmetic surgery to make themselves “feel better”, I kind of wonder what the point really is. What’s so wrong with working with what God gave you? You’re paying to place your life and well-being in someone else’s hands and that’s when I believe the need for perfection has just gone way too far in life. I feel pretty strongly about…more»

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