It’s pretty nice…

For the past three days I’ve been working pretty hard on balancing a few different clients.  I’m happy to say that a few of my bids were accepted so this month is probably going to be pretty nice – money wise.  I can’t wait to dump all of the money into the bank account so I can visually see my going up to New York at the end of June being a definite possibility.  It’s been difficult though, it’s hard to juggle so many different ideas and attempt to remember which client they’re connected to.  If it weren’t for the…more»

Filed in AGn Designs, Web Design | Comments Closed

Mac OS X Leopard

I’ve finally upgraded the Mac to OS X Leopard.  I have to say that I’m really enjoying it so far.  As far as functions are concerned it’s really no different than OS X Tiger, but visually it’s gorgeous.  The new dock blows my mind, the speed has also increased.  I didn’t lose anything during the upgrade, which is a plus, but I’m noticing that programs are also loading a lot quicker than they were in the past.  I don’t know if Leopard has anything to do with that but it seems to be working that way for me so I’ll…more»

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