We’re almost there!!

It’s been a constant up and down, and I know I’ve bitched about it quite a bit but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  We’re closing on Wednesday 3/12 at 4pm.  I’m excited, but not to the point where I’m jumping up and down.  I’m so over this entire process that I just want my keys and the current owners to fuck off and then I can just work on making it OUR home. We’re doing the final walk through today (3/11), it’s odd to do it the day before the closing, but we’re obligated to…more»

Filed in Daily, Money | Comments Closed

Moving things around…

Sean and I are in the process of moving things around. Not only are we cleaning the heck out of the office but I was also able to locate a new hosting company and I’m going to slowly transfer everything over within the next couple of weeks. I’m getting a great deal on excellent resources and there’s literally no turning back at this point. I’ve filled out my FAFSA and I’m working on getting things together for admissions at the University of Phoenix Online. I’m going for my bachelors degree and I hope to be able to bring in enough…more»

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Budgets & Money

For some reason I was really itching to get out of here last night. Sean and I had spent most of the afternoon in the local libraries in search for information on grant writing. Thankfully when I came home a letter from Dick put me in the right direction. The Rehoboth Library really had nothing that I needed. The Lewes one didn’t either. They told me that the books I was looking for were up in Dover and the rest were on the Deltech Georgetown campus. I really didn’t want to travel that far so I wound up heading over…more»

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Skimping & Saving

With a very small balance in my bank account I’ve been taking my limited resources and still managing to maintain a clean environment.  I’m to the point where I’m low on supplies such as bleach, toilet bowl cleaners, sponges, detergent, fabric softener and other basic supplies.  So what do you do?  Go to Walmart and hope to bring home the cheapest items on the shelf just to get the job done?  NO! – You go to the local Dollar Tree and pick up all of your supplies for $1 a piece.  The reason I love this store is everything is…more»

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Spring Clean Up!

I just spent the last half hour going through the server removing quite a few accounts.  Some haven’t made payments, other’s expired and a few changed DNS information to new hosting.  In total I think about 300 accounts were removed, which is now bringing me to the conclusion of downgrading the servers.  I’m going to completely get rid of one and of the smallest account-count left, I’ll filter them out to the other ones.  It’ll save me a few hundred dollars a month that I don’t currently have.  It’d be easier to just add a terebyte of bandwidth to another…more»

Filed in AGn Designs | Comments Closed

What a day!

I was really productive today, so much so that I’m anticipating hopping into bed and drifting off to sleep.  There is still a lot to accomplish before that happens though and damn I’m really enjoying having so much to do. For starters, I have two job interviews lined up for Friday.  One for a full-time IT position with a local company at 9am and another one is a part-time retail position at a local store on the boardwalk at 1pm.  Based on what I’ve heard of the company looking for the IT position, it’s safe to say I’ll be pulling in…more»

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Productive Day

I’ve been pretty busy today.  I woke up and vacuumed in anticipation for house guests tonight, I found out that it’s been delayed an extra day so either way everything is nice and clean.  I floated around the house throwing out all of the garbage and straightening up.  I made dinner for Sean and I, I managed to get the yard straightened up a bit so I can head out there this weekend and get started on the Spring cleaning.  The shed we have was on the wrong side of the house so we moved it over to the other…more»

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Almost done for the evening….

I think I’ve done about 20 loads of laundry in the past few days. When I went to do my laundry a few days ago, I noticed that the laundry room was overloaded with stuff that just needed to go. So I got all of my stuff done and then I started the daunting task of completely getting the room cleared out. I did accomplish it, but I just threw in the final load of white wash a few moments ago. My reason behind doing it so late is the fact that I’d completely forgotten about it until I went…more»

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The joy of allergies

I just finished cleaning up the kitchen. We had company this past week and with all of the chaos going on around me, it was kind of hard to focus on keeping cleaning up to par. I also managed to get some much-needed dusting accomplished. The bedroom has gone for about a week and a half without being dusted, I very happily soaked a rag in some warm water, rang it out and proceeded to get rid of all the crap that’s making Sean sick. He has an allergy to it and I try to keep the bedroom as dust…more»

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